Location on North Colonnade

42. St. Genesius
The 140 Saints of the Colonnade

Location Area
Right of Coat of Arms

The Square

Vatican City

Colonnade Saints
Floorplan #2

The History

Related Items
Saints 1-21
Saints 22-44
Saints 45-70
Saints 71-96
Saints 97-119
Saints 120-140























St. Genesius of Arles
Died - c. Early Fourth Century

Feastday - 25 August

Statue created - c. 1662-1666
This statue is part of a group of 24 that were installed above the entrances.from September 1662 and 1666.

Sculptor - Bartolomeo Cennini
He worked on a statue from July 1661 and March 1663

Height - 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine
The statue shows the double iconography of St Genesius; that of the martyr of Arles, with a beardless youthful look and armour of a Roman soldier, and that of a Roman actor with his left hand resting on a lyre.

St Genesius was a catechumen and former soldier who had been appointed notary to the city of Arles, and who was martyred after refusing to copy out an edict of persecution.

Saints on North Colonnade

43. Agnes

42. Genesius

41. Pontian

Saints on North Colonnade
Below Apostolic Palace

  45. Justin
44. Catherine
43. Agnes
42. Genesius
41. Pontian
40. Columba
39. Mamas
38. Malchus
37. Benignus


Roma Sacra - San Pietro in Vaticano, Itineraries 21-22, ©Fabbrica of St. Peter's, July 2001
Le Statue Berniniani del Colonnato di San Pietro by Valentino Martinelli ©1987 by de Luca Editore


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